Why standing reach measured with shoes?

In the world of basketball, standing reach is a crucial measurement that determines a player's ability to reach for rebounds, block shots, and alter opponents' shots. However, a lesser-known factor that can significantly influence standing reach is the type of shoes players wear on the court. In this blog post, we will delve into the intriguing question: Is standing reach measured with shoes? Let's explore the impact of shoes on standing reach and its implications for players' performance.

Understanding Standing Reach

Before we delve into the influence of shoes on standing reach, let's first understand what standing reach means. Standing reach refers to the highest point a player can reach while standing upright and keeping both feet flat on the ground. This measurement is crucial in basketball, as it helps coaches and scouts assess a player's ability to grab rebounds, contest shots, and play effective defense.

The Role of Shoes in Standing Reach

You might be wondering, how can shoes affect standing reach? While the actual physical height of a player does not change, the thickness of the soles in basketball shoes can alter the measurement of standing reach. Basketball shoes often come with thick cushioning and support to provide players with comfort and protection during high-impact movements. However, these thicker soles can add a few extra centimeters to a player's height when measured in shoes compared to their barefoot height.

The Impact of Shoe Thickness on Standing Reach

The thickness of the shoe's sole can have a varying impact on a player's standing reach. A player wearing shoes with thicker soles may have an advantage in terms of standing reach compared to a player wearing shoes with thinner soles or playing barefoot. This slight difference may not seem significant, but in a sport as competitive as basketball, even the slightest advantage can make a difference on the court.

Scientific Studies on Standing Reach with Shoes

Several scientific studies have explored the influence of shoes on standing reach. One study conducted by researchers at a sports biomechanics lab found that basketball shoes with thicker soles increased standing reach by an average of 1.5 to 2 centimeters. Another study compared standing reach measurements of players in basketball shoes and barefoot, revealing a notable difference in standing reach between the two conditions.

Implications for Players and Coaches

The influence of shoes on standing reach has implications for both players and coaches. For players, understanding how their shoe choice can impact their standing reach can help them make informed decisions about footwear during games and practice sessions. Players seeking to maximize their standing reach may opt for shoes with thinner soles or choose to play barefoot during measurements.

For coaches and scouts, being aware of the potential influence of shoes on standing reach is crucial in accurately assessing a player's true physical attributes. In team selections and talent evaluations, standing reach is a valuable metric, and coaches must ensure consistent measuring practices to eliminate potential biases introduced by shoe thickness.

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